Week 11 Blog 2

 Another of the course objectives that was included in this course from the syllabus is "Students will be able to manage sophisticated writing and research projects, planning, documenting, completing, and assessing work on time and within the constraints of the project." What I interpreted from this course objective is that students would be able to complete a research project with correct steps and learning how to complete that research project. I feel like I practiced this objective in high school when we had bigger assignments to complete so it was not new to me. 

I have seen myself using these techniques while creating some of the projects that were assigned in this class like the instructions protocol, context analysis, and the pamphlet assignment we had this week. Since these assignments do require more planning and critical thinking, it is useful to come up with a plan on how you will complete this assignment so that you do it correctly. Practicing these skills again in this class was a good refresher for me because these are skills that I will need to have when I enter my field. 


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