Week 7 Blog 1

 I decided to sit in one of my classes and try to relax, sit still, and absorb everything around me in that moment. I was not able to focus and sit still for long because I felt that there was so much commotion going on around me involving the other students. When I was sitting still and focused, I noticed that the classroom can be loud when the professor is teaching something. I heard so many sniffling, on top of coughing, on top of keyboard typing, on top of papers flipping, on top of people moving around in their seats, etc. I noticed that there is so much going on involving noises that it was hard to give all of my attention to the professor. 

    I realized after doing this that I do the same thing in class. Lots of the times, us students are distracted by other homework or just not paying attention at all. I thought this must be so annoying to the professor who is trying to teach us about certain information. Sometimes it is very easy to get distracted in class, especially when classes are long and might not be something you are very interested in. After doing this little experiment, it made me realize these things and I am going to do better on focusing and making a better environment for others and myself to learn in. 


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