Week 11 Blog 1

One of the course objectives for this course is to "Effectively communicate analysis, knowledge, understanding, expression and/or conclusions." Prior to taking this course, I would interpret this in the form of a paper. I originally thought that we would learn these skills and practice these skills by writing different kinds of papers throughout the course, but I was very wrong. Throughout the course I have seen myself using these techniques in ways other than papers which has helped show me that I will need these skills when I graduate and enter my field. 

For example, I have analyzed many different classmates work through the discussion board and effectively communicated what I thought about their work to them. I used my analyzing skills when reading their work and taking it apart to understand what they are trying to communicate to their readers. Another place that I saw these skills being practiced was the perusall articles. Here, I learned how to communicate with others on their thoughts and ideas of the article that was assigned for this week. I was also able to come up with my own ideas of what I thought the text meant and share that with others. 


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