Week 9 Blog 2

 How I Went from Very Shy to Less Shy

In my hometown, I was very dependent on the people around me. I grew up in a very small town, so I never really had interactions with new people. I had the same kids in my class from kindergarten all the way to 12th grade, granted a few people come and go. I could not go anywhere on my own and I did not like to talk to new people. I think that I struggled with social anxiety at this point in my life because of how dependent I was on everyone around me and how I did not like to do anything or go anywhere on my own. 

When I moved to Fargo for my first year of college at NDSU, I was so nervous. I did not like the idea of moving in with three other girls that I have never met before. I made myself sick the day of move in just because I was so anxious. My roommates were so kind and made me feel at home right away and I was so thankful for that. I was also very nervous to go to class because I wasn't sure exactly where I was going, and I did not like the fact that I would not know anybody in my class. It was so different from growing up in such a small town because I always knew my classmates. Little by little, I started doing things on my own up here in Fargo and I got better with my social skills. 

I now do a lot of things by myself, and I do not have social anxiety like I used to. College really helped push me out of the bubble that I was in, and I have met amazing people. This year, I work in a behavioral health unit where I am constantly meeting new people. Patients are always coming and going, and I am meeting new people every day. I now feel much more confident in my social skills, and I know how to communicate with people better. I also feel so much better about social situations and they do not stress me out like they used to, and I am so thankful for that. 


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