Week 7 Blog 2

 After trying to sit still and focus on a busy classroom, it was difficult for me to sit still and actually focus because of everything that was going on around me. So, I wanted to try it again, but this time in a much calmer environment. I sat in my room in my apartment which was nice and quiet. I listened to the wind coming through my window, I felt the cold air hit my skin which give me goosebumps. I smelt the yummy candle I had lit in my room, which gave me warm and whole feelings. I closed my eyes during this because it helped me focus better, so I did not "see" anything during this experience. 

Trying this again in a different setting was so much better than in the classroom. I was able to sit so much longer and pay attention to more things. I thought that this exercise was very calming and helped me reset. It is very easy to get caught up in things when you are a full-time student, and working like I am. It is very easy to miss a lot of experiences because we are so worried about the future and too worried about getting things done. I really liked this exercise and am going to try and do it again in the future to calm myself and focus on the things that are going on right in front of me. 


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