Week 5 Blog 2

One group that NDSU offers is a health concerns support group. I think this is a very interesting group that I did not know NDSU offered. This group focuses on students who have chronic illnesses which can make it hard to do activities every day in college. I did not know that NDSU offered this kind of group, but I think it can be very beneficial to people. Many people struggle with chronic illnesses and may feel alone. I think this group would be very helpful to find others that struggle with the same illnesses, and they can help each other work through them. Since chronic illnesses can make daily activities harder for some than others, I think it is important to connect with others who face the same struggles and learn new ways to do things. 

I was recently diagnosed with chronic migraines which have made things super difficult for me to do. Since I am so sensitive to light and noise when I have a migraine, it makes it super hard for me to do my homework or even go to class and work. Sometimes I feel hopeless and that I can't accomplish things because of my migraines. I think it would be very helpful to go to one of these groups and connect with someone who also struggles with migraines. This way, I know I am not alone, and I could maybe learn some new techniques to cope with them. 


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