Week 5 Blog 1

One group that NDSU council members host is Pawsitive Relaxation. This group involves dogs as a way to manage and cope with stress, while also giving tips on ways to manage stress. This group stuck out to me right away because I love animals. I think that it is so fun and cool that NDSU provides this group and allows people to connect with animals. Dogs bring out the best in people and can help a person calm down. I think it would be interesting to know how many dogs there are during each therapy session and what kind of dogs they have. 

Personally, this would be something that I would be interested in doing because of my love for animals. This would be a good way to decompress and step aside from the busy life I have. With work and school sometimes, it is hard to find time for yourself, but it is very important to make sure you do. Otherwise, if you do not set aside time to relieve some stress, you will end up getting burnt out. I think that the dogs would help me feel better because animals mean a lot to me. I also think it would be very beneficial to hear and maybe try some coping skills for stress and tips to help manage stress. I know I can become very stressed when I have lots of things going on which is why I think that would help me. 


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