Week 1 Blog 2

    This week I started my sophomore year at NDSU. I felt a lot more comfortable being familiar with the campus compared to my freshman year. I am taking more complicated and challenging classes this year because it is my last year on campus. I am going to apply to the sonography program this fall and then I will hear back from the program in the winter. I am going to prioritize some of my classes this semester because I need to get good grades in the challenging classes to maybe set me apart from other students who are taking the same classes. Since the sonography program here at NDSU is very competitive, I need to make sure that I am focusing on my academics and spending more time on the challenging ones so I can get a good grade in them. I am a little more nervous this year about my academics this year compared to my freshman year because the classes I am taking now are more oriented towards my specific major. 

    Although I am feeling a little more stressed about my sophomore year, I am doing well in my classes so far. This first week I went through all my classes and wrote all my assignments including their due dates in my planner. I want to stay organized and on top of things this semester so I can really focus on getting good grades. I have also met a few people in my classes so I have someone I can study with if needed. Sometimes I tend to learn better when I can work with someone, and we can talk about what we are learning to make sense of it all. I am excited for this year because it could be my last year on campus if I get into the internship. I want to keep a positive mindset and try not to get overwhelmed with all my assignments and challenging classes. 


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